Snow Storm Anxiety (Venting)

Hey fellow May 2024 moms!

I’m 19+3 weeks pregnant today, & my area is due for a huge snow storm in a couple days. I live in a more populated area of a rural town (so not exactly “out in the country”, but a small rural town, if that makes sense). The nearest hospital is about 15 minutes away, but that would be down country roads. This is causing me anxiety. I’ve had a pretty uncomplicated pregnancy so far 🤞🏻, ✊🏻 🪵, but in the back of my head I keep hearing “what if you go into PTL and you can’t get to the hospital?” Or “what if something goes wrong and no one can get to you?”. I live alone, so I’m sure that makes it worse. I know some people in the town so I guess I’m not totally alone. I struggle with anxiety and OCD daily as it is, which I know doesn’t help. I’m just venting cause I don’t have a lot of people to talk to. I keep telling myself that the snow will only last for 24 hours, that I can do it, that I can try to get an ambulance in the worst case scenario, that women have done this in all kinds of weather for millennia, etc. but I’d really like to just be calm for once in my life lol

Thank you for listening! Send good vibes.