Is it ok to want to have a baby with someone who won't commit to you?

Do many people do this where they have kids with guys who won't commit to her in a relationship like a friends with benefits? I would be thinking about having a baby with my friends with benefits but he is not my boyfriend. He is settled with a good job and has his own place and I still live with my parents. We are both adults and graduated from college. Is this a bad idea?

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Posted at
I thought you said you weren’t trying to get pregnant, Christina?


✩M • Jan 8, 2024
Someone just anonymousky posted in general pregnancy asking if anyone has gotten pregnant and kept it a secret the entire 9 months and I guarantee its her. I don't believe for a second that she's letting any of her multiple partners know she wants a baby, she's just going to start having unprotected sex with anyone who will have her and then hide it from her parents until she can't anymore. Her posts just keep getting more and more unhinged as time goes on. It's like a car accident, I don't want to see it, but I can't look away. Between her and the crazy lady who lied about having triplets, Glow is some kind of circus lol.


Ka • Jan 8, 2024
Christina has said she lives with her parents, isn’t financially stable or ready to have a baby. Wants to stop birth control when she has multiple partners and is obsessing over her “biological clock ticking” and getting pregnant. I asked her why she wants to get pregnant when she said herself she’s not at all ready and she said she wasn’t trying to get pregnant and it’s “for the future”, but this is her post so I’m thinking that was a lie 🤔. A lot of people on here think she’s a troll but I honestly think she might just be this crazy and I think she’s trying to baby trap someone lol


J • Jan 8, 2024
Oof what’d I miss??? I need to start logging back in regularly to keep up


Posted at
Yes. You live with your parents. When you move out and are financial stable and independent, have a baby with whatever consenting person you choose.


Posted at
Dude you live with your parents?? And this man doesn't care about you like that ?? Hello ?? Is this for real


Posted at
Why would you want this when you are still living with your parents? You are still in a parent-child living situation, you being the child. Even if he agrees to this, what makes you think he won’t dip if it becomes too much responsibility for him? He has no ties to you and owes you nothing so he could easily just check out and do nothing for the child. Are you prepared to be a single mother and financially care for yourself and your child? Have you thought about childcare? Even if he does stick around do you know what his thoughts on parenting are? Would he be willing to learn evidence based parenting methods and educate himself on brain development and infant safety? What if he is a violent father? What if he ends up being resentful of you but now you guys are tied together for life? This whole idea seems really ridiculous and silly.


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Does he even want a baby? I don't necessarily think there's anything wrong with two people who want a baby and plan to coparent together. But two people need to be on board with that.


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Having a baby doesn’t require a romantic relationship between the parents


J • Jan 8, 2024
Not true either lol. Having sex doesn’t require romance. Plenty of babies are the result of random hookups, one night stand, etc.


Alba.K • Jan 8, 2024
That’s true, sometimes it doesn’t work that way, you are right about that. But to say that having a baby doesn’t require a romantic relationship between the parents it’s kind of strange, considering that you have to be in a romantic relationship to make said baby.


J • Jan 8, 2024
LOL. I’m a single parent and my babies are doing just fine. Sometimes it just doesn’t work out that way 🤷🏼‍♀️


Posted at
Are they wanting to have a child with their FWB?


Ve • Jan 8, 2024
To your edit, I'd say no. You still live at home. I wouldn't "plan" on having a baby with them.


Posted at
I don’t think many people do that on purpose, but yes there are people who choose to have a baby with someone they trust even if they aren’t in a relationship because it’s far easier/cheaper than IVF or trying to adopt a baby as a single person. Make sure you and the guy are 100% on the same page about everything before proceeding with this—including his involvement or lack of, any child support, what his relationship will be with the child, what would happen if the child is born with a disability etc.


Posted at
Please tell me this is a bad joke…A woman can’t be THIS stupid?!?! 🤦🏼‍♀️


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Yes that’s a bad I dea to chose that life for your baby and it’s high guarantee you’ll do it alone. You don’t want to give your baby a higher chance of a two parent in live stable house hold?