Crazy dream


I’ve just become five weeks and I’ve been stressing a bit from a previous miscarriage so my ob suggested I take unisom to help sleep but to only take half. Idk if it’s relevant to the but anyway I took that feel asleep but then kept waking up on and off and over all slept poorly. To add to that when I did sleep I had a dream that I was going to my first scan. (Some background my miscarriage was a blighted ovum which means the baby was lost but my pregnancy continued. ). I don’t remove going to it like I blocked it out but remembers seeing two gestational sacks ( I was watching pregnancy announcements that day lots of multiples) but there were no babies in those sacks but I couldn’t remember that in the dream my family had to tell me and I felt the emotional pain so vividly but worse then my previous. I know this is probably normal and just paranoia but I thought I’d share. Thanks for listening.