C-section scar ectopic


For anyone who has had an ectopic pregnancy, whether it be this kind (very rare) or through your tubes, what was your hcg like?

I went to the doctor Friday (1/5) and they told me they think my pregnancy implanted on my scar tissue from my C-section. All they saw was an empty sac and even though I’m sad, I figured my hcg was going down since I’ve had spotting and everything. But my hcg has went like this

12-22 (60)

12-24 (147)

And then Friday I had labs again and then again today and they’re

01-05 (6k)

01-08 (11,295)

If this pregnancy isn’t viable, I was really hoping my levels were going down and now that they’re not I know there’s now a chance to see a baby on ultrasound and that just makes this so much harder 😭😭😭 i know they didn’t double like they should and this pregnancy will not have a happy ending regardless but I guess I’m just curious if anyone else’s hcg went up so much for it being ectopic? Hopefully all this made sense.. my thoughts are all over the place.