Contraction Counting


Well today, at 35 weeks 6 days, I had my first round with "false labor." I was almost ready to go to L&D until I laid down for an hour and my contractions started to get lighter. They were different than Braxton Hicks in that I could feel the pressure change as baby was being forced down. They felt like intense period cramps and lower back pain. Now that he is seemingly in position, my braxton hicks are more in my lower abdomen rather than my stomach just tightening. If this were you, would you have gone?

The >30 min intervals are me driving home from work, showering, and leaving my phone on the charger, so I discredit those. Ive only had maybe 8 contractions since 4pm, so in the last 6 hours.

We have a doctors appointment tomorrow morning where I hope to address this and we will find out if my body is indeed preparing for labor (cervical check.)