Why do guys do this?😭

I get the whole “ghosting.” I’ve been ghosted and honestly I rather be ghosted than what this guy is doing!!

So I had been getting to know a guy. We had a good first date. He told me he thought I was pretty and had a great time.

Second date I had sex:/ I kinda feel guilty for doing it so quick. Also told me I was pretty. I bring this up because I don’t know what else I did wrong. He made it clear that he wouldn’t lead me on. He told me that if he didn’t feel it with me he would let me know and would not “sell me a dream”

He was initiating “good morning texts” and he would flirt with me. After new years, he became weird. He wasn’t texting much. On Friday, he reached out and I responded. He asked me how I was doing and then somehow the conversation led to me saying “yeah I couldn’t stop staring at you either you’re so handsome” he never replied! Saturday no response. A day later, he texts me “hi baby”

I asked him “how are you?” He replied with good and asked me. I replied with “good too I’ve slept all day haha feels good to relax”

Never responded.

Like why initiate a text with me and not follow through the convo. I don’t get it. Did he realize I’m ugly or not his type ?? I feel like he lied about finding me attractive