Toddler afraid to go to bed at night

Okay so this is the second night in a row that my 2 year old has been giving me a hard time about going to bed. Last night he went to bed around 7 pm because we had to get up early and he woke up around 9:30 pm. I got him back to sleep and then he woke up shortly after laying back down frantic, screaming and bawling from a night terror. He then stayed up until 3 o’clock in the morning, literally paranoid about every little noise, any object in the room, etc. I literally had to turn the light on in the room and just try not to react because I was highly frustrated at this point. It is now the night after, and I’ve been trying to get him to bed for well over an hour now and as soon as he catches himself starting to drift off he sits up and just starts yelling and telling me he’s scared. Literally of every little thing. I’m losing my mind over this. I’ve hardly slept in 2 days and I don’t know what to do to settle him and get him out of this paranoid phase. I have to be up early again tomorrow. Does anyone have any helpful advice? I’d highly appreciate it.