Tooth issues

So I had to get a gum graft on one of my bottom teeth back in early July last year. I went in for my check up sometime in august and since they do update pictures on how it went I noticed that my front top teeth looked weird and way different from what they used to look like. The top front teeth look like they’re receding as well but I can’t be sure. Anyways I went to the dentist probably in October and brought up my concerns with them and they could not figure out way my gums would be doing that (I don’t have gum disease) so they said it didn’t look like I needed to worry about it right now.

(The left photo is from before my gum graft so in June & the ugh photo was in august)

So I kinda let it go and figured it would be fine but every now and then I get random pains in my tooth but idk if it’s actually my gums that are hurting.

Does anyone know what this could be? I’m terrified of losing one of my front teeth but I also don’t think I can afford another gum graft right now as I’m still paying on the one I just had😭

This photo is from right now.