Not in the mood, should I still do it?

Husband and I have been having issues for a very long time but this particular issue has been going on for 3 weeks now. Since it started, he has been very rude to me, and just inconsiderate. He will go around and ignore me as if I don’t exist, until he gets sexually frustrated and then he becomes this really nice person.

I’m not sexually attracted to him and haven’t been for a long time now. I usually just give in to make him happy but I don’t want to keep doing that, especially since we’re considering a divorce.

That brings us to yesterday, he bought me flowers which I usually have to beg him to do. I love flowers, he knows this but gives me every excuse why he can’t get them for me. He gave me the flowers and I really appreciate them but it didn’t change my mind about the divorce because he only gives me flowers when he wants to make up and have sex. He also agreed that I had a right to be hurt because of how he treats me.

Today I asked him if we could talk because we will be stuck living together until March. He flat out told me that he needed sex and that it would make both us feel better. I declined and he started lashing out at me. He told me if I was going to cry about him lashing out at me to go into a different room. I tried reasoning with him and he told me to shut the fuck up talking to him.

There are times when I feel like maybe a divorce is the wrong answer and maybe we need marriage counseling and then he will say something very rude and tell me to cry about it but away from him because he doesn’t want to deal with it. I really do just wish he could treat me better but I feel like maybe it’s me having low self esteem that’s making me wish he’d be better.