TTC first baby at 39



Please help me! I’m 39 and it’s been just over a year since my husband and I have been trying. Last year January 14, 2023 I was pregnant and then a week later I miscarried. We have been trying ever since. Now it’s January 2024 and still not pregnant. I’ve seen a fertility doctor and I had an ultrasound and I have 17 follicles. My husband has been tested too and the doctor said his results are healthy. I’ve even had a HSG “Hysterosalpingography” and no blockage. My periods cycle are on point, I’m always regular and last for about three days. My concerns are I spot every month for about a week, one week before I start my periods. I will admit I do not take vitamins. I’ve been told it’s good to start taking prenatal while trying. I’ve started tonight. I know my blabbing but I need some help. All my friends have been married for years and have four kids. I don’t have a single friend that spots before their periods. So I don’t know if it’s normal but the doctor said it is at my at age.

Lastly something personal my libido has changed a lot the last few years. I feel like I’m never in the mood.

Does anyone spot?

What are we doing wrong?

Does anyone have low libido?

Thank you for hearing me out!