Please help put my mind at ease!

I am currently 5 weeks 2 days I think. First day of my last period was 10th December 23.

I took a test Monday 14th (clear blues) and got a strong positive.

Today (16th) I took a test at 5pm (I peed around an hour before) and I have drunk 4L of water today. And got a positive but faint test. 2nd pic.

Because I’ve been anxious that the fainter test means a miscarriage (I had a traumatic mmc in 2021 and we have struggled to get pregnant again since). I waited another hour and didn’t drink anything in that hour and did another test. Also unbranded cheap test and I can barely even see a shadow of a line. This is the 3rd pic.

I know it’s probably bc it’s 5pm I’m super hydrated, didn’t wait long between peeing and that it’s still early but ugh.

I know the sensible thing is just to wait until morning and test on a branded test with FMU but I really just want someone to put my mind at ease. I want this baby so badly. I’m a wreck. 😭