Subchorionic Hemorrhage TMI

Bianca • 🩺👩‍⚕️

Hey girls, little background. I’m 6 weeks 4 days pregnant and yesterday all of a sudden i felt a trickle down my leg and when I went to the bathroom my underwear were soaked with bright red blood. I immediately started panicking. My husband was so supportive throughout the whole thing and got me new clean clothes and wash clothes to clean off. We called our fertility clinic because we have not graduated from them yet. They had us come in right away so my husband drove us in a blizzard. and when we got there to our surprise there was our healthy little bean with a heart rate of 123 bpm and hcg was 44,501. Yesterday I had horrible cramping with the bleeding and big clots golf ball sized. I explained this to my dr but she said she was not concerned because the baby looked good. Has anyone else experienced this and have a healthy baby? I’m still so scared..