Hurtful Things while Pregnant😔💔


I’m almost 37 weeks pregnant and I was doing dishes tonight. He was gaming (he doesn’t do that often) and he was talking crap about how he would rather do things in real life (hunting etc..) than in a video game. Basically saying simulations are a waste when he can do it in real life.

I brought up how it’s no different to me than watching porn or looking at other women when you have someone willing to do almost anything for you. His reply… “Yeah well you’re not always a freak.” I instantly got quiet and cried silently while doing the dishes and he tried taking it back and said he has enough videos and such of us to “hold him over” whatever that’s supposed to mean. Well, fast forward we are laying here in bed and he was a virgin when we met, I’m the only person he’s been with. He has the audacity to ask me if all pussy tastes the same. I said idk go find out I guess. I’ve been crying since and he doesn’t seem to understand why I’m crying.

Am I overreacting or..?😭💔