I'm worried my baby is too chunky but my doctor's says he is fine!

He is 14 months and cannot crawl yet, but the CDC removed that as a mild stone. My son cannot pull himself up to stand. He's not standing or walking and I think it's because of his size. He has a great appetite and does eat more than normal. He's 31 inches tall but 37 pounds. He's wearing size 6 diapers.

My husband and I are both big. Our whole families are larger framed people. Our son has had tests and bloodwork because I'm sure it's his metabolism but nothing has come back abnormal. He's just chunky. He has no interest in moving and is very happy to just play with his iPad or watch TV. He's not really into moving around.

He does tummy time and can get himself sitting but he doesn't want to move. My 11 month old niece is walking around and into so much stuff but my son is not.

I'm not putting him on a diet but I don't know what to do. He doesn't rant to play at all. All he wants to do is watch Coco Mellon and Hey bear and stuff like that. I feel like I'm setting him up for failure.

Mommy's of chunky babies did they grow out of it eventually? Did they take longer to walk?

Edit to above: we have the TV on in the background all day but he mostly watches the iPad. I just feel bad taking it away from him because he screams unless he's watching Hey Bear or Coco Mellon. I've tried other toys but he just throws them and he doesn't play with them. He's bored unless he's watching something on the iPad.

I tried bouncers and exersaucer things but he was out of them so quick because of his weight. He didn't bounce in them either and just sat up in them. Baby sit in walkers are illegal where I am and when we try to walk with him he screams and throws himself on the floor. He refuses to walk or crawl.

Our pediatrician said he needs more activity like a lot of you have suggested but how do you get him to move when he's so unhappy without his iPad? It kills me to see him scream but he stops the second we give him his Hey Bear. Will he grow out of this?