Follicle size and trigger shot



My follicle size is left ovary 20mm and right ovary 10mm and today is cycle day 10 for me. My doctor wants me to trigger tonight and have the <a href="">iui</a> on Sunday. But I haven't baby danced all cycle long. I was hoping to push it back by 1 day so I can baby dance with my husband and increase my chances of getting pregnant. That means i would trigger tomorrow night and have the <a href="">iui</a> on Monday. What do you think? She says it's up to me. In the past day 14 was usually My <a href="">iui</a>/ovulation day so in my head I feel like I still got some time.

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@GlowGPT please help me with this topic!


GlowGPT • Jan 19, 2024
<p>It's great that your doctor is giving you the option to choose. If you feel that waiting one more day to baby dance with your husband will increase your chances of getting pregnant, then it might be worth considering. However, it's important to discuss this with your doctor as they have a better understanding of your specific situation and can provide personalized advice. They can also explain the potential impact of delaying the trigger shot on the success of the IUI procedure.</p>