Sharing my birth story finally.

I’ve never done this before but I feel like I want to share it with people now my little girl is 17 weeks. Towards the end of my pregnancy I had a 3 hospital visits for reduced movements and fetal tachycardia and on my last visit for reduced movements on the 1st of October they said I was 2cm and can do a sweep and then induce me which I accepted. I went home and saw my other 2 children before going back to the hospital later on and had another sweep. I was put on the monitor the check babies heartbeat and I had 17 strong tightenings that read up as 80, turns out that the “tightenings” I thought I was having from the previous night was actually very early labour as they had star the s to dilate me and tightenings don’t. So I had my waters broke at 10:15 in the evening and the midwife said she would be back in about 2 hours, even after explaining this is my 3rd baby and my last labour was really quick she still left the room. My contractions came on pretty quick and they were very intense, everytime a contraction finished I would get about a 10 second break so i had to see my partner out the room till find my midwife to get me some gas and air as the pains were so intense so quick I was struggling and I just kept feeling pressure, she checked me and I was only 3cm, again she left the room even though my contractions at this point were back to back and baby was moving down as I could feel so much pressure. Shortly after that I had to send my partner to find her basically screaming at him to go and get her again as i needed to push and she said there is no way I was just at 3cm and sure enough her face dropped she panicked and shouted we’re going to have a baby I was getting stressed as I felt like she wasn’t listening to me and we had to keep going to find her another midwife came in because I was getting stressed I was really loud so she was trying to calm me down, my midwife kept telling me not to push as she wasn’t ready but you can’t just stop yourself your body just does it and the other midwife was so lovely she spoke to me calmed me down told me to keep on pushing if I needed to just slowly all because the other midwife just kept wandering off and wasn’t ready even though we told her I had a quick labour last time and it was my 3rd, if she had came just a few minutes later my partner would have had to deliver our baby. After baby was born my partner told me that we had a little girl as we waited to find out at the birth, we had some skin to skin and she had a feed my partner then took her as I was still in a lot of pain and again the midwife left the room it took so long to get my something for the pain. So basically the reason I wanted to write this is because we having been discussing having another baby but my labour with baby number 3 was 1 hour 17 minutes and the midwife just kept leaving the room and I nearly gave birth with just my partner there and it terrifies me to think that next time it might be an even shorter labour and I could be left alone to give birth as the midwife kept leaving me last time will they do it again, I thought once a women is having back to back contractions they would stay with me and be ready just incase as this was my 3rd but this wasn’t the case for me at all and this is what is scaring me from having more children. I know not all midwives are the same but what if I get her again or what if they are the same as her and keeps wandering off..

Does anyone else have any experiences like this? Nearly giving birth without a midwife as they kept leaving, feeling like you’re not being listened to when you know you’re own body