20 dpo no AF no symptoms


So... me and my husband were trying for few months each month i would feel like i am pregnant but to my disappointment i was not as Af came on time (dont even ask how much money i spent on all those tests)

This time i am not feeling any symptoms maybe except for a bit warm body.

I thought no way i will be pregnant so i kept going to work like routine.

I was supposed to come on periods but it was 3 days past

And my husband asked me to do the test and i said i will wait for a week because sometimes periods just get late ( my periods get 2 days late at most) but i was scared of getting disappointed like every other time.

Next day i thought at least i will know if AF is not coming and i am not pregnant then just would go to doctor.

To my surprise i got BFP and i am over the moon.

Never give up! Life surprises you when you expect the least.