Struggles and concerns anout finding a spouse

I’m struggling with this mindset and have started to believe it. I am and grew up in a Christian household (non denominational). But do you ever wonder if God keeps you single because you haven’t “proven” yourself to Him that you’re finally worthy enough for a spouse? I know He doesn’t punish us, but that our actions can have consequences. For example I know I’m far from perfect and fall short everyday and will never be the “perfect cookie cutter Christian girly” like the ones I grew up with in church who got married in their early 20’s and have a house and kid….and I mean everyone guy and girl I know got hitched. I have and still struggle with sexual sin at times and I am ashamed and NOT proud to say that, especially when I know better, it’s like in the moment I don’t care and I hate really myself for that 😭😞 I’ll feel the conviction later on and then feel disgusted and ask AGAIN for forgiveness but feel I am abusing His grace. I’ve been good now for almost 3 months and I am doing my best to kill that sin and turn away, like that was my last straw and am serious about wanting to wait for my husband on my wedding night. I also sometimes cuss or go a week or few without attending church. It’s just been me and God lately and A LOT of crying and praying to Him asking for the whys and what’s wrong with me that I am not worthy yet like everyone I grew up with or around to find their husband? Again I can’t help but think because I sin in certain areas He’s keeping me single?? I know that ALL sin is equal to God. Ill come across these “Christian influencers” on social media and begin to compare myself and think they’re these perfect saints who do no wrong and how they can memorize the Bible and I have to be like them and THEN I’ll be answered but I know that’s not the case. I’ll be 30 next year and I know it’s in His timing and there’s no timeline, but I’m getting tired/lonely and having Faith is becoming difficult, especially when all the married people tell me or ask “have you prayed about it?” “He’ll come when you won’t expect it” all the overused and unhelpful advice just doesn’t make me feel better. Theres no guys in church or even the dating apps give me a headache. Idk where else to run into someone? I work from home full time but make up for that by going to do errands or the gym and still nothing. I just have a fear that I’ll be single the rest of my life but at the same time don’t know if that’s true… because why would God place Marriage and wanting children as a desire in my heart only to say “nah.” I’m just feeling so much despair 😞 Every morning I pray and ask that God gives me peace and comfort during the day so I don’t fall into a sad mindset and He answers and listens to that specific prayer right away. Maybe I don’t know how to ask or pray for a husband?? Cuz sometimes I’ll pray but afterwards feel like it won’t happen and I know we’re to pray without ceasing.