Chances this cycle and background

Curious on peoples thoughts of my chances this cycle and what date should i test (usually cant help but test early). Using a private donor and this month (first month TTC again). when trying for my son it happened first cycle (very lucky i know) but with saying that the donor was a house mate at that time which made things so much easier. he gave me "samples" every morning and evening but this time round we dont live in the same house hes changed careers too so its made it a bit difficult this cycle. So he was only able to give one sample the night of my positve OPK (one time is all its takes right). I had ewcm that evening too not sure how much difference that makes. Every other pregnancy ive gotten very faint line on 8 dpo in the evening. Ill attach my calendar and see what your thoughts are on chances and date to test. Sorry for the paragraph haha