2 yr old "too big"??

Shelbi 🤱🤰❤ • Wife, mamma & crazy animal lady!

My 2yr old saw the pedi today for her 2 yr checkup. The dr said she is too big? She's 33lbs and 36in tall. I was told to feed her less and that she probably "got so tall because (i) overfeed her". This...just felt like weird advice? If my child says shes hungry at 2 yrs old i feed her?? She eats fruit n veg every day,gets 3 meals and 2 snacks and if she says she is hungry before bed i let her have some fruit or milk, whatever she prefers. We dont do juice only water and shes offered milk daily but doesnt always drink it. I feel not good about cutting back how much a newly 2 yr old eats when shes not even a full pound over the average child her age and is at the very top for height. Am i just being sensitive?