Oliver Wilde’s Birth 🤎🧸

Mari • ʙᴏʏ ᴍᴀᴍᴀ x2

2.6.24 at 5:37am my sweet little Peanut came into the world! He was 19 inches long and weighed 6lbs5oz! All I could say was “he’s so tiny, he’s so tiny!”.

I woke up at 6am on Monday (2/5) morning with contractions. I wasn’t sure if they were the real deal or not but I started timing them. They were coming consistently anywhere from 9-12 minutes apart but averaging 10 minutes apart. They continued like that all day. I had an OB appointment that day so I went in at the scheduled time. They did an ultrasound to check my placenta since I had a partial previa and it was all clear! She could see my cervix was dilated so afterwards my Doctor checked my cervix and I was already 4cm! She said I was either having a baby that day or the next. Went home and labored the rest of the night until about 6:30. We went to the hospital and was admitted soon after since while they were monitoring my contractions, Ollie’s heart began to decel with every one. Once admitted we did all sorts of positions to keep him happy and keep his heart rate up. I ended up asking for the epidural at 8cm, was able to take a nap for an hour or so, and when I woke up I told my nurse I could feel pressure and that I was ready to push. She called in the Doctor and he checked me. I was at 10cm and my water wasn’t broken yet! So he broke my water, I pushed twice and he was out! No tears and no pph like I had with my first!

I’m so in love with this little nugget! I can’t believe he’s finally here and he’s just the most precious little soul! We’re all settling well at home as a family of 4 now and I couldn’t be more at peace with life at the moment. 💗