Anyone ever bought a headstone?

moody🦛 • ♎️⭐️♍️🌘♓️📈 🧿🦇🌌🌳🫖♠️🪩🌙🥀 Tarot 🔮

Random question but I’m finally ready to look at a headstone for my mums grave (it’s been longer than I want to admit - years even🙁)

But now I’m looking at headstones and a lot of them are called temporary, which is kinda confusing and they all seem kinda small, and I guess I’m just a little (lot) overwhelmed at the whole thing, has anyone ever had to “design” a grave and can you help me? I thought I was ready to order but I now realise I’m in way over my head, or maybe I’m overthinking the whole thing? Some example photos I’ve seen of some graves are so super stunning and I suppose guilt is pushing me but I did always want a really thoughtful and beautiful grave (as I’m sure everyone does), difficult to explain but like I’ve seen people put little fences with lanterns and pretty different coloured stones to be super personal.. is it just a matter of putting my creative hat on and sort of building things from scratch or making custom things? See now I’m feeling super bad about leaving it so long before asking for help 😖 but any advice would be appreciated greatly as you can see I’m kinda spiralling about this whole thing and no one close to me has ever buried anyone (most other family members are cremated) and especially a parent which is adding a whole other level of stress (why yes, I am the oldest daughter, how did you know? lol) thanks in advance girlies x