
Brii • Married💍 Fur Momma!! 💗 God Is Good & Im Blessed 🙏🏻

Hey Ladies,

This past year has been a roller coaster for me, mentally emotionally and physically with my house, and the stuff that my family has putting me through .. my dad’s wife won’t let me speak to my dad at all because she hates me. I sent my dad a Christmas card and she sent it back to me saying not deliverable address when I know my dad‘s address is deliverable I sent him a birthday card in November with a gift card but never got it back but I got the Christmas card back.. I have been having some health issues. I’ve had a migraine for the last seven months finally got into a neurologist. Finally getting stuff approved so I can get home. I’m staying at therapist now.. my stomach disease gastric has been clearing up and giving me issues where I just wanna stay in be… with my migraines. All I wanna do is sleep.. emotionally and mentally I was struggling with the family that I have lost and my dad.. my bio mom just got put in prison. Nothing new to me she’s been in and out my whole life.. all I can do is better every day.. I can give it to God and have him help me. I have my husband who is my 100% support system along with my aunt and my best friend but I still struggle daily!! Please pray for me🙏🏻🙏🏻