Coming off the pill after 5years


I’ve been debating this for months but I really want to come off, I just want to know what to expect.

I know every body is different but I want to see if coming off will finally allow me to lose some weight. When I started taking desogestrel pill I gained 2st in a ridiculously short time. I’ve been trying to lose weight for 2 years with deficits, weight training, increasing my steps, water intake, etc but nothing. I’ve pretty much held onto 90% of that weight. I lost a little due to beginners gains but that’s it.

I’m coming to terms with having to experience a period again and using better forms of contraception.

I just strongly believe the pill has made me miserable. I’m extremely irritable, moody, tired and fat haha. It’s also diminished my libido, I have no enthusiasm for it now whereas before I used to love sex.

Any advice would be so appreciated 🤩

(and yes my partner will be aware of this but it’s my body and I hate how long I’ve stayed on this stuff for now)