Not sure what’s happening with my body

So I was supposed to start my period 2 days ago. However about a week ago I went to the bathroom and when I wiped, there was some very light pink discharge. I thought I had started my period, and used a tampon. When I took it out later, there was nothing on it. This has happened once or twice but rare, and in those cases I have started my period a few days later. The day of my expected period rolls around and I started spotting extremely light pink again, so I use a tampon. When I take that out there’s basically nothing on it either. However I’m cramping like I’m on my period and at work, so I put another one in until the next morning. I cramped all night long, then the next morning expect to have a full tampon. Not a single drop on it again. All day I continued to cramp but had no bleeding. At 6pm I started spotting again except it’s brown. It’s been more than 8hrs since then, 2 am and haven’t had enough to even fill a single tampon, more just cm mixed with brown, has not turned red or been an actual bleed, and my cramps are completely gone. Anyone have any ideas as to what’s happening with me??