Weird Happenings

Okay so my period ending on February 8th, and I have extremely extremely heavy periods. I typically though stop bleeding day 5 and don’t even need a tampon that day. Well I continued to spot 3 days after my period ended and still had cramping. I ended up going to the er and the brushed me away. I continued to cramp, have lower back pain, and my right breast started to change. I’ve been nauseous this entire time, and vomiting in the morning, and getting sick through random parts through the day. Certain foods bother me right now especially steak and that’s one of my favorite things. Well then I end up back in the same er still in the pain and dealing with all the symptoms, and they finally did a transversal ultrasound, and discovered mg left ovary is missing. Which I’ve never had to experience or have happen to me and gave me little explanation. I also was told I have a retroverted uterus. Flash forward to March 3 Sunday , a day before my suspected period. I spotted a little bit of pinky brown blood and I didn’t even need a tampon which is highly unusual for my first day since it’s extremely heavy. The following day it was a little bit brighter but still had pink and brown in it. My blood also isn’t filling up the tampon it’s barely covered in that. It’s covered in this clear watery like fluid that doesn’t have a smell . Typically, I’m heavily bleeding dark red blood and dealing with clots. I haven’t had any of that at all this period. I’ve just experienced all these weird symptoms leading up to this and now this period has me very very confused. Because I know my body and this isn’t it . I’ve been dealing with it for far too long. Has anyone ever dealt with before?