Very upset


On 27th I went and had an ultrasound to confirm pregnancy. Going by Lmp I should’ve been like 6 wks 3 days. I measured at 5 wks 4 days and there was a heartbeat 130. I went to the er for chest pain Monday 3/4 and had a little bit of abdominal pain, so they did an ultrasound I measured 6 wks 2 days but they didn’t find a heartbeat hcg 4186. Woke up yesterday morning with spotting and my pregnancy symptoms are gone. Went to er they took labs hcg 4117. Told threatened miscarriage. I’m so devastated been trying to stay hopeful because I wasn’t actively trying to conceive but it happened and I was prepared to be a mom again. This is something I have not experienced before. I got up to use the toilet no spotting but mild cramps and nausea. It’s so hard not to be scared upset cry wonder what I did wrong or why is this happening to me. I prayed before I even had any issues that this would be a healthy pregnancy. Now I don’t even know how to feel or what to do.