Positive & Trying to stay Positive


Found out we were pg around 9-10 DPO 3 weeks 4 days past ovulation on a cheap Amazon test strip without <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">fertility treatment</a>. We are trying to keep a positive mindset about this one as we have been pg 2x's previously and they both ended around 5 weeks. All of the previous times the lines were super faint even at 4 weeks and on. Praying that this one sticks. In a previous marriage I also went through fertility and had multiple chemical pregnancies as well as a late miscarriage at 17 weeks. After that relationship my late boyfriend (that passed away in 2020) and I had a miscarriage at 9 weeks that was without <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">fertility treatment</a>.

My current relationship and I just found out we are expecting. We are starting our 3rd year together as of February. He has 2 previous children and this would be my first other than my angel baby. What I have done so far. As I know from previous miscarriages and testing I have low progesterone and due to bleeding in an earlier attempt was prescribed progesterone. When I found out at 3 weeks 4 days I started taking the progesterone pills I have on hand since I had hcg detected and to hopefully assist in my progesterone levels. Now that It is a week day after my missed period I will be contacting an obgyn to inform them and see what next steps they want me to take as a high risk pregnancy (multiple miscarriages and turning 40 this year). Just trying to not give up hope. 🤞🏻 Fingers crossed.