Scratch that!


There are those that think that "when I get to heaven, God will send me where he wants me to go". Well that is far from the truth so scratch that! God is only going to send you where you tell him you want to go. Before you die, you are to receive God's gift. "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life" (John 3:16). To receive the love of God is to receive Christ. Jesus is our gift from God. To deny Jesus is to deny God's love for you. It's your decision whether you accept Christ or not. Your decision is based on your eternal destination. To receive Christ is to receive heaven. To deny Christ is to deny heaven. Jesus is the door to get in heaven. Jesus is the voice of God. The word of God was made flesh (Jesus) and came to the Earth, died for our sins, then returned to the earth, before ascending unto heaven. "God's words shall not return unto him void, but it shall accomplish all that he sent it to do". It is a fib to think "when I die, I'll go wherever God sends me". No! That's a lie. When your soul leaves your body, you will immediately see Jesus. "To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord". You're going to soar from Earth, through outer space until you get to Heaven. Once you are standing before God on judgment Day, God is going to look at who paid for your sins. Did you allow Christ to pay for your sins or do you have to pay for your sins yourself? Once again, if you did not accept Christ, then you will pay for your own sins. If you've accepted Christ while in the earth, then Christ has paid the price for your sins. If you chose Christ, God is going to open up the gates of heaven and let you in. Your name has already been recorded in the "Lamb's Book of Life". Rejoice! Again I say rejoice! On the other hand, to those that did not receive Christ as their personal Lord and savior, God will say "Depart from me, I never knew you". You will fall into the lake of fire to burn forever and ever. You don't want that. Therefore, today is the day of salvation! You do not want to die without receiving Christ. Eternity has no end. Do you really want your soul to suffer the second death? I hope not!