3 day 'period'


Hi ! I had my emergency surgery for our ectopic pregnancy on the 23rd of Feb. I am extremely grateful despite my tube rupturing and bleeding into my pelvis my surgeon was able to repair it as it and felt it was safe and appropriate to leave it in there.

Following my surgery I bled as expected for around 1week, it stopped and about 1.5 weeks later I bleed again for around 5 days.

On Saturday (around 5 weeks post surgery) I woke up early with very heavy bleeding which I assume is my period like a tap of blood for two days Saturday and Sunday. It was very heavy with but of what I can only describe as tissue or something. Then today on Monday very very light almost clear spotting in the morning then Nothing.

My question with this is has anyone had this before?

And do I just track this as a period? I want to track to I can get a sense of when I might ovulate