Hopefully just one more week until baby girl is here, doctor is making my life hell


I am in a weird limbo right now. My OBGYN referred me to a high risk doctor because of cholestasis, and the high risk doctor said I am also presenting with gestational hypertension. Because of both of these conditions, I was told to induce at 37 weeks. Its very borderline, but the past 4 day average of my BP has been 130/86 and I've been dealing with headaches and swelling nearly every day. My OBGYN says she disagrees with the hypertension diagnosis and thinks that my BP is only high because of the discomforts and anxiety. I don't agree with her, based on my 4 day averages, and she's been dismissive of things in the past because of my pre-existing anxiety diagnosis. I honestly haven't been feeling any anxiety other than the fact that when I asked her last week if we could schedule the induction (I am 36 weeks tomorrow) and she said no, that I shouldn't be trying to plan when this baby comes and also tried to scare me by saying I would hemorrhage (I have thrombocytopenia so thats a possibility anyways) and I would need a c-section(outdated info based on studies conducted in 2020). I understand the risks but they outweigh the benefits in my situation because of being high risk. She then said the hospital policy doesnt allow her to schedule inductions this far, which seems wrong since its not an elective induction? Im a week from being 37 weeks, I just would like to be able to tell my family who is going to be watching our dogs while in hospital and my husbands employer. I'm really hoping that tomorrow she will allow me to schedule because she's going on vacation next week and I won't be able to consult with her again until I am past 37 weeks. With the cholestasis diagnosis I just want her out and safe.