

Now I know I don't post anything about me or my baby. There to much hate and negativity on here that one person don't need. Don't comment on my stuff if you going to hate or be negative. I don't need that I don't need your bad habits keep them to yourself or your bad traits. Just let me be. If you have experience that cool I'm all ears but don't tell me what to do. I'm not going to tell you what to do. But if you have doubts there two opinions go see another doctor or go to the hospital. I would do that but y'all are not me. So I'm not asking you. If your bleeding though out your pregnancy it might be normal or not, but that not decision to make, but to ask your doctor. Just because it happened to me and I had a healthy baby doesn't mean that gonna happen to you, so ask a doctor not these ppl that don't know shit. Just because I spotted in my last doesn't mean it going to happen to you or lose a lot of mucus plug. Every pregnancy is different. I had a full term baby with my first, my second was a miscarriage I was 5 months and they told me I couldn't have babies. After that I been having cysts, lived with telling myself I can't have babies but hope one day I could. Nothing years past 2022 was the year I got pregnant and he was supposed to be my cyst. But I'm glad he is not, he is my blessing and I love him, he was supposed to be my premature baby, but the grace of God he is not. Here I am again pregnant and yes I'm scared, yes I have doubts just like every mother to be. Yes, I'm not ready. But put all that aside. I'm gonna do my best not to be stressed, not to put to much pressure on myself. I got a little help which is better than what I had before. NO HATER OR NEGATIVITY OR ANY OTHER. No need for that. I'm happy with my life and babies.