hypokalemia at 36 w

Kelly • Wife and mama to two beautiful boys 💙💙 a baby in heaven 🤍and baby girl 💖

Been stuck in the hospital for several days. And doesn’t look like I’ll be released anytime soon. My body is not retaining potassium or magnesium. I’m on a high dose regiment right now to keep it somewhat up. Baby is doing great, but I’m so scared. The doctors can’t figure out what is happening and they say I may have the same issue after birth. He said to expect a long hospital stay after birth. I’m so tired and don’t know what to think. I have two toddlers at home and feel bad that I can’t be home with them. I am praying this all resolves after birth. Has anyone had anything similar?

My last bump pic from a week ago. Baby has dropped and is very low according to the doctor. (Excuse my messy room.lol)