7dpo is this implantation bleeding? Help please x

Any help is massively appreciated x

I got a positive ovulation test on wed 10th April, me and my partner did the deed 4 days before this positive and 3 days after the positive result. According to the app I’m around 7dpo. Went to the toilet this morning and had lotion type CM, went to toilet this afternoon and there was brown when I wiped, went 20 mins later and was watery brown darker then before. Just gone now and there’s a small bit on a panty liner and barely anything when I wipe now. Sorry for the TMI pics.

Could this be implantation bleeding? I never had it with my first so I’m not entirely sure but I’m also not due on for another 9/10 days so don’t think it’s AF either.

Thank you in advance for any comments and sending baby dust to you all✨❤️