Scared of PPH after Coming Home

I suffered a PPH five hours after giving birth. I am 10 days postpartum today, and I am scared it is going to happen again. I live an hour from the hospital. I keep thinking everyday that it’s going to happen again at home and I am going to die. Has anyone else felt like this after a PPH? My doctor performed a uterine massage and he said my uterus started contracting again like it’s supposed to. He also restitched my second degree tear that another doctor originally did. After an extra day or two in the hospital and 5-6 bags of blood, I was not anemic anymore (I was anemic my whole pregnancy) and he felt I was safe to go home. He assured me everything was fine and the worst was behind me. Should I believe him?? What is the likelihood of hemorrhaging twice from the same birth, over a week out from delivery?? I have cried everyday and I feel scared and alone.