For those of us past our Due Dates…


How’s everyone doing? I’m going crazy. I know the due date is just an estimate, but it is still rough seeing everyone else having their babies already and I’m still miserable in so much pain still pregnant & dealing with the pressures of whether I should get induced or not and if so, when. It’s also been a very tough pregnancy.

I was high risk my first 2 trimesters for risk of incompetent cervix which basically means high risk of premature labor. So I honestly didn’t expect to be in this position, even as a first time mom which I know typically go past our due dates. I also have multiple acquaintances who were pregnant the same time as me with their first and they all went into labor before their due dates.

I’m hoping for a natural birth and am getting worried that that is turning into a pipe dream if I end up having to be induced since Pitocin contractions are so much worse.

Also I started my maternity leave thinking I’d have my baby by now… the days are getting long it’s so hard to distract myself! I can’t get any sleep or rest because my brain won’t turn off, even my meditations aren’t working anymore.

And I’ve also been doing literally ALL of the things to get labor going. I won’t list because this post is already too long and seriously if you can think of it, I’ve tried it and/or been doing it religiously for the last month.

Today and yesterday I decided to take a break from all the “trying to start labor” things and just take it easy. Mostly because it’s my nephew’s birthday today and I don’t want baby to come today haha. I don’t know if relaxing and trying to do nothing has been good or bad for my mental health. I’ll be back at all my birth ball exercises and everything else tomorrow though!

I’m going stir crazy but I’m too much pain to leave the house other than a short walk.

My next OB appointment is in 2 days and I’m sure they’ll make me schedule an induction date then. Baby measuring 9lbs at last appointment, but as we know that is only an estimate and correct about 30% of the time. My OB typically doesn’t let people go past 41 weeks & change. I’ll be 41 weeks on Sunday.

What’s your situation if you’re also past your due date? Anyone else feeling these things? Figured we can commiserate here amongst all the birth announcements!