Birth Story


Okay well my April 27th baby came May 4th!

Tuesday of this week I started to lose my mucus plug at first it was clear.

Thursday and Friday I lost a bit more with a brown tint to it.

Since April 22 I was tracking contractions, not painful but consistent yes. They were Braxton hicks.

On May 3rd Friday ur was a week and a half of contractions but this night they were painful and consistent 10 minutes apart.

I was 6 days past due now and (doctor said to go in if I have consistent contractions since it’s my 4th baby we don’t want to risk an at home labor.)

I was still unsure if it was real labor. I laid down for a while but they kept coming painful 30sec to 1 min and 10 minutes apart. My husband was hesitant but I said Let’s Go!

We headed to be hospital- our family picked up our kids and we went in for evaluation.

8-9 pm the nurse checked me… it was so painful!!! I was rear facing and I believe she stripped my membrane and brought my cervix forward idk but the most painful thing of the night. She said I was 3 cm dilated. And they moved me to a delivery room.

From 9 pm to about 11 pm I had contractions and asked for epidural because I didn’t know how quick it would go. It went better than I expected, he sat me down, I hunched over and he cleaned my back with a sponge, I had a contraction and after that I got a little shot it was just a pinch. (I was shaking I was so nervous) then he walked me thought the next step I just felt pressure and immediately the pain went away from my contractions. It was sooo nice!

Each hour seemed to be 1 cm more dilated.

Nurse had me lay in my right and left with a peanut between my legs to help baby move down. My right side was burning! My epidural only numbed my left side completely.

Anesthesiologist came back and put something into my epidural catheter which was so nice no more pain.

By 5 am I was 9.5 cm and we waited 30 more min

Then called the doctor in she broke my amniotic sac.

My legs were spaghetti I was so nervous because i couldn’t feel a thing!!! No pressure no urge to push nothing . Just shaking like shivering from each contraction I guess.

Doctor came in she said I was 10 cm, “ok let’s push” they set me up, had me hold my legs. I couldn’t feel anything not even how to push. I could feel only my abs and pushed like crunches, and they said j was doing it! I pushed hard for 10 counts - pushed 5 times. And he was out!!!

My 4th baby so only took 5 pushes! Born 6:55 am!

He cried a little and then he stopped. They calmly panicked and called nicu. No cry not breathing from baby. I could sense something was wrong but prayed over my baby. Begged God to help him breathe. NICU came in and finally they let me kiss him for a bit before taking him.

That was my first baby I didn’t bf in the first hour. But after a day in NICU he came back to me all clear. I could also visit him 24/7 in NICU.

Next day was 5/5 I had a tubal ligation at 12 pm and stayed another 1 day in the hospital. I’ve only had vaginal deliveries so the abdominal pain and recovery is new to me. ❤️ we are so strong! Pray for your labor and delivery. God answered all my prayers I felt NO pain during delivery!