Do you think a toddler should be allowed to watch TV at the dinner table?

I only ask because my step daughter has an eating issue and she is VERY picky. What toddler isn’t though. But when she eats at the dinner table she doesn’t eat. She wants what we have and focuses on everything else. Doesn’t touch her food. My boyfriend gives her TV time because she always asks for it. Maybe to give him a break. Because she wants to be up his butt 24/7. You know as soon as he sits down and eats for maybe 5-10 minutes with me she wants to get up and sit in his lap and eat his food rather than sitting down in her chair and waiting or going to play. I never grew up with TV or phones at the dinner table. So I don’t really like it but he doesn’t mind. And I just would like to know how everyone else feels about it.

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