Porn…. Controversy


So…I personally don’t like porn. I hate the fact that my man is okay getting off looking at other women. Sexualizing it. It’s cheating to me personally. Id you watching your relationship more power to you. It’s just not for me.

I also have an extremely high sex drive and I’m always down to do BJ, or do whatever.

I’ve explained 2x to my Fiance I don’t like porn in our relationship.

The last 2 weeks- I was gone for 4 days visiting my mom and then 4 days later we were back but I had to do a colposcopy so we haven’t had sex in 2 weeks but I’ve given BJ’s and I’ve initiated etc To do other things. I was on my man’s phone looking something up and on his history I saw porn sites. (Doesn’t even hide it)

So I dug deeper after. It’s been happening for weeks and I had no idea.

His excuse when he worked on night shift and I was at work was “I’m never around when he’s horny so it’s just easier.”

I’m just so sad….idk is it disrespectful that he is doing this and he told me he would stop and that it won’t happen anymore. Now I see he’s doing it 😕 I never look on his phone I trust him fully. Some women say it’s better than him cheating. Wtf