My 12 month old is waking up a lot at night


My 1 year old has been having trouble sleeping lately, waking up 1-2 times at night and waking up early between 5:00-7:30 (she usually wakes up at 8:00) I thought it was because she’s teething but I’m starting to think it’s more than that now.

Last night was the worst night in a while. She went to sleep at 22:20 then woke up at 1:05, 2:13, 3:29, and 7:30. The last time I laid her down before she woke up for the day I just held her and she went back to sleep then I laid her back down in her crib. I feel like she is waking up because she just wants me maybe? But I’m so tired and I need my sleep. 😅

We practice safe sleep so cosleeping is not an option. Does anyone have any advice? She used to sleep through the night or only woke up once.