Husband and I can’t climax together

My husband and I have been having sex with each other for over three years but we’ve never orgasmed during sex. We can each do it on our own to ourselves but never together. We have gotten soooo close several times but just can’t, and because of this my husband has never ejaculated in me.

This hasn’t been too much of a problem up until now because we are planning to start trying for our first baby this month, as soon as my current period is over. But I can’t help but worry that the TTC journey is going to be a long and discouraging journey because if there’s no sperm, how can one make a baby???

So to combat this I did get some sterile syringes and pee cups to try some at-home insemination, however my husband is not super on board with the idea because it feels like a science experiment or cheating/taking a shortcut. He’d just like to do it the natural way so it’s more special and intimate. I do understand and I’d prefer that too if it were possible but I want a baby way too much to care about what method I have to use to get his sperm in me. But, I’d rather not use the syringes if we can help it. I have a hard time getting things up there without feeling discomfort (sex is okay though).

So that’s why I’m making this post. Does anyone have tips on orgasming during sex? Literally, 3 years of practice and nothing is crazy. There’s gotta be something. I would describe our sex life for you but I don’t want this post to get too long so please feel free to ask questions and I’ll answer them in the comments. Thanks!