Belly spasms/pain?

this is my third pregnancy and i'm currently 33 weeks

i feel like this pregnancy im in a lot more pain than my last 2, a lot of pressure in my vagina, more discharge, pain in my hips and tailbone to the point where if i sit for too long im almost in tears trying to get up..and now im experiencing what feels like random spasms in my belly when i go to get out of bed or off the couch if im laying down

has anyone else experienced this? is this normal? i feel like my baby is bigger than she should be right now also, so i dont know if this has anything to do with belly is as big as it was right now as it was during my last week as my last pregnancy, i also have gestational diabetes

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I’m experiencing the Samething and I’m just going into 34 weeks. I feel alot of pressure when I’m sitting up.