Sister in Law assaulted of my weight

Hi Moms, I'm 33 weeks pregnant and I'm due next month. My husband's sister came to visit him. But I didn't want to see her. We don't get along. But my husband was talking about his weight loss which I am very proud of him taking his health very seriously ( diabetes). He was telling his sister that he walked a long bridge early in the morning and back home. As he finished his conversation. She said to me how come you don't walk? You look like I gained weight. I just told my husband I'm going upstairs and wish her a good night. I never assaulted her 400 pound weight. I invited her to my baby shower but I don't want her near me due to our relationship being very rocky. And I'm trying my best to keep calm for the sake of my child inside the womb. I don't want me and my husband to argue over his sister but enough is enough. What do you think I should do?