What is it with guys that can sing?

So I do karaoke all the time in my small town. I love it. The good, the bad, the in the middle. I love peoples voices.

But the guy who runs karaoke is a coworker. Let me preface that I have no attraction to him and he's married so there is no crush here, just an observation. But, he's in a mariachi band and whenever he does a song I melt a little and get hot under the collar. I dont even speak Spanish and I'm like "you go dude". And i totally can get why his wife fell from him by his voice alone let alone any other nice qualities he may have.

Not as many guys get up to do karaoke here and those that do use it as an excuse to just scream lyrics instead of sing them. But whenever a guy can sing... oof.

Am I the only one? Haha.

I need to start bringing a fan to karaoke or something lol.