Has anyone

I have this family member they mean well but they are meddling and it's made me get into something I have to get out of.

It's like why do people feel the need to do stuff you did not ask for and have said no to before they think they are helping.

I have a family member who wants me to physically go to work I have worked in my 20s and have money saved and I worked from home so I don't have to go into a office. I am a stay at home mother my husband passed away and I take care of everything. My relative told my neighbor that I am looking for a job and they both showed up to my house and said that they have a job ready for me and I start working tomorrow! I don't want to seem rude so I said thank you and now I have to find some way to politely tell them that I don't need the job the worst part is that they got me into this mess now I have to politely get myself out of it without offending my neighbor, my relative, the employer and I am so upset I could cry or have a heart attack I am introvert and this is causing me nervousness and I am so mad I don't even know what to say

If I were looking for a job I would ask, I would look, apply research I would be grateful but I am not looking and all to respect everyone I don't even know what to do if I have to work for them tomorrow

What would you tell everyone I feel so horrible like I have to leave the country to avoid this worst thing I can't lie and say I am going on vacation because they are my neighbors and will know