Late period, negative tests


Hey everyone,

So I was supposed to start my period on Friday, and I still haven’t gotten it yet. I’ve taken a test every morning with my first morning pee, and they have all been negative. My cycles are pretty regular typically, and I can always know when to expect them, so this is pretty weird for me.

I will say that I just got my IUD taken out in November, and I didn’t get a period on it, but my last 4 periods have come when expected, and my cycles were very regular prior to getting on birth control. I have been having some symptoms such as sore boobs, light cramping, and mood swings, but these could all be PMS or pregnancy.

My question to all of you is 1) what is the likelihood that I’m pregnant? Like should I be expecting to test positive soon or am I gearing up for like a mega period? 2) when should I go to the doctor? Should I go once I’m a week late, or should I go if I don’t get my period by the time I expect my next one in July? And 3) has anyone else experienced this/ is this a normal experience to have your periods start to regulate and then miss one when getting off of birth control?

Any and all advice is greatly appreciated! Thank you!