Holding my breath!

Jade • Engaged, cat mum, TTC 10+years for baby #1. I have PCOS and had gastric sleeve in 2022, lost 6.5stone and regained a regular period. I had 2 early mc in 2018. And a heterotopic pregnancy with ectopic tube removal in July 2024, that ended in mc. Always wi

I had two back to back mc in 2018 and not had a positive test since. I like many of you have been testing almost daily, and I have been getting vvfl for the past week, but today I took a test and it’s very visible so defo can’t deny it. But me and my partner can’t celebrate it as we don’t want to get our hopes up. It’s so bittersweet. I want to be so excited and scream from the rooftops, but I am scared it’s all going to end badly. I have everything crossed and I am trying to remain positive! Below is today’s test. I still need to do a digital one…mostly because I still need to visually see the words!