Help me decide on memorial pieces please!


We have two angel babies. We have our second baby's ashes, but not our first one's. We will be getting an urn for our second baby as a displayed memorial, but I couldn't figure out what to do for our first baby. I had the thought to get a custom stuffed animal made (looking at having a linen one made on etsy). Then I thought, would it be weird to have a stuffed animal for one, and an urn for the other? It's almost kind of like one of our babies gets a stuffed animal, but our other one doesn't. So then I thought I'd get a stuffed animal for each of them. But we'll still also have an urn for our second, so then would it be weird that one of them has a stuffed animal and an urn, while the other one only has a stuffed animal? I thought about getting a stuffed animal for both and putting our second baby's ashes in theirs instead of in an urn, but we have pets and I just don't want to chance anything happening to their ashes if a pet were to get ahold of the stuffed animal (they'll be up on a shelf, but you never know. Especially with cats). I know I'm totally over thinking this, but that's what I do lol. And I just want them to be equal, you know? But it's hard when we have ashes for one of them and not the other. So I would love your input on what makes the most sense here