Anyone else get testing anxiety?

BACKGROUND-Hey guys! My husband and I decided last cycle that we could start TTC #3, but naturally the first few months so it wouldn’t feel like a “chore”. I was diagnosed with PCOS and secondary infertility while ttc our second and it was really hard mentally and physically.

With that being said here is what my calendar looks like. The green checks (may 22nd- 28th) I had bright red spotting discharge but very light. My doctor said to not count spotting as a period, however it would add up to be a cycle start time for me.

Fast forward to now, we first officially bd’d the 22nd of June and I’m SUPER nervous to even test.

Sunday I had extreme cramping and breast soreness and have had extreme sweating/hot flashes since Tuesday. I’m currently cd 91, so I’m tied on if I should even test. My cycle has been wonky which was expected with my history and chances are after our struggle last time that it happening the first time is extremely, extremely low. Am I crazy for thinking there could be the slightest chance? I just don’t want to get my hopes up and I’m not even sure when I ovulated. What would you do? Test? Or wait it out longer?