How to get my bf to help clean

I’m starting to get very frustrated because I’ve asked my boyfriend to help me clean the house more. And he says that he will, but doesn’t.

I’ve had talks with them. I’ve cried about it. I’ve begged him. We have had arguments about it.

He doesn’t help.

Every once in a while, he’ll clean the kitchen and living room while I’m at work, and then I’ll be happy when I come home, but then he uses that to not help anymore for a while.

On the weekend, I’ll say “hey do you want to help clean the house a little today with me?”

And he’ll make an excuse not too

I just can’t take it. I have a full time job too and it’s hard to keep up. And it shouldn’t be like this especially since we are both adults and we have no kids. Our house should be nice and neat.

He doesn’t throw away garbage. He won’t clean the shower or toilet. He doesn’t do laundry. Doesn’t do dishes or sweep.

He does take care of the outside/yard. Which I really appreciate. But he says since he does that, he doesn’t need to help inside.

What do you think ???